Monday, December 21, 2009


Dear Reader,
I am waiting to board the plane that will take me home to Houston. There has never been so excruciating a wait. All I want to do is leap into the arms of my family, curl up on the couch with the pup and a good Netflix, and sleep on my soft pillow that's always cool when I first hit it, like a chilled marshmallow.

So, what would you like to hear about? The people sitting next to me at LaGuardia, or my musings on imagination? I'll start with the descriptions (and might save the latter for another day!) There's the lady with the drawling Texan accent that does not match her Seattle-ish style: black, loose fitting clothes, short gray hair, and John Lennon glasses. She's long and lanky like a Texan farm girl, she's looks like one of those flipping air-bodies that you see on car dealers' roofs, except composed. Then there's her demure husband who didn't hold her seat when she went somewhere and let this other woman with pinched lips sit down. Thought that was a bit odd.

The family that's subtly sweet: a 17ish teen with a bleached mohawk, a tubby little boy, and a beautiful mother whose clothes, like the Texan's, do not match her face or demeanor. This family is so well-mannered, the mohawked youth fetching little things for his mother, the little one patiently drawing as he waits for his flight. The mom is dressed in a hoodie, but her hair is well-styled and her make up impeccable.

There's the inevitable middle-aged couple. The wife I initially thought was much younger, but on closer inspection, her gray balding husband probably isn't that much older than her. She has a charming (but completely unexpected) Irish accent and blonde hair topped with a newsboy hat. Her husband looks American to me; he's built like it.

And then there's an Asian mother and her twenty-something son. They're quiet. The mother I think is quite beautiful in an older-woman way. Her cheeks are full, swollen almost, but she has delicately waxed eyebrows and glowing skin. She reminds me of a ripe orchid.

Well, I need to go now, but maybe I can finish this up a little later. Tata!

1 comment:

  1. the only thing i love more than people watching is reading about other's people watching observations!
