Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kissing the Sun

I always come here for the same reason: I need a little bit of therapy. I'm so burnt out and haven't had time for much of anything but obsessing over schedules (which, it seems like, how can I possibly be scheduling this much and not really actually getting anything done? Whatever.) So, the point is, life's losing its vitality, there's just been a lot of keeping my nose to the grindstone, but I have had a few moments of respite. Here are some things that have flit through my mind, just in case you're interested:

the way i felt on wintry nights in texas when we'd go out. the cold air went on forever and stark'd the stars and that's what i remember best. and it hit me today that what i had time for in high school were feelings and i miss that.

it's exhausting to be conventional and the moments i'm freest are when i'm thinking about things that don't even make sense. happiness hits you when you describe the things that you want.

crying in the shower is right in a way a lot of things could never be. it's intimate and it's warm and it's release.

does life really make sense all of sudden when the nurse places the newborn in your embrace?

all new yorkers are ancestors of fishermen and sailors. their ghosts surround us. i only wish scaffolding and taxis didn't make it so hard to see them, it seems like they have a lot to say.

oh hey! dreams and wishes and desire. yum yum.

musk is the fragrance of creation. i never knew that but that makes me want it in bushelfuls.

"he loved her with his heart."

a professor that smells like flowers stained by light is an impressive thing, indeed.

you've opened me up so please, i don't want to shut back down.

man walking down street looked like my idea of a man.

So it goes.